Industry bodies, funding bodies and all the rest like to think they are ahead of the game but they aren't, they just cant keep up with the more advanced film cultures of France and Europe. Perhaps they are too busy having champagne cocktail nights and giving that rare thing called 'funding' to the same filmmakers over and over again. Boring! Unless innovative thinkers come on board and industry bodies actually LISTEN and SUPPORT filmmakers - and I am not talking just your standard, "Big-Budget", well-known kind of filmmakers, but the small independent filmmakers with strong stories (who might actually have a voice in Australian cinema), THEN maybe, just maybe the state Australian cinema might change.
And part of that is independent cinema. They are dying in Australia, and apart from the thousands of short film festivals on offer, all offering the same kind of fare, its wonderful to see that short film culture is very much alive here in Paris, France.
Thankyou Cinema des Cineastes.
Take note Australia!